ERROR: Function 'File: ... checksum error'
If you get: ERROR: Function 'File: '/work/rber/poky-bernard-5.0.1-arm-beagle/downloads/distcc-2.18.3.tar.bz2' has md5 checksum 2279f50fe7b688c8d6762a3e095a302a when 0d6b80a1efc3a3d816c4f4175f63eaa2 was expected (from URL: '')' failed better: 1) bitbake distcc -c cleanall 2) bitbake distcc -c fetch as this will force a clean out of any existing "bad" state that might exist. The -f option means rerun the task even if bitbake doesn't think it needs to run but it will not wipe out files in DL_DIR. or (not so good) ... 1) refetch distcc $ bitbake -c fetch -f distcc If that still fails: 2) update the MD5 in the distcc recipe and try to rebuild. If that works, we need a patch to update the MD5. or ... check if the file you want to fetch still exists at the URL you try to fetch it from;)