Yocto/Qt5: hello-qt part1 - Community/Wrapper/Image Size

Introduction This work is sponsored by Reliable Embedded Systems . You can find more information about our training/consulting services here . Objectives The goal of this blog post is to show my journey trying to build a hello-qt application and reasons why I don't like Qt . As far as I can tell this is going to be a multi part blog post. Community not valued by the Qt Company Qt 5 was officially released on 19 December 2012 and on 31 August 2020 was the Qt 6 feature freeze so one would think the community prepares meta-qt6. But the Qt Company sufficiently pissed off well known and respected community members and contributors to meta-qt5 [1] so that it does not look like there will be community support for Qt 6 any time soon. [1] meta-qt5 is a community project outside of The Qt Company and it's a lot more stable and easier to maintain then the Qt 5 layer from Qt. The Qt Company decided to make their own meta-qt6 layer, but there are some concerns from the commun...